Support Services – The Key to Growing Your Community

by | Mar 2, 2016 | Business

Living in a tight-knit community is a blessing. Having the opportunity to participate in community events and meet new friends is always nice, and it is a great way to improve your social skills. Despite this, it’s not as easy for some people to do as it is for others. This is where support services come in handy. A support service specialist will have attended a university and obtained a degree or qualifications that enable them to deal with people’s emotions, operate in various environments and of course, understand the local rules and regulations pertaining to community involvement. Many people can benefit from these services, such as children, adults, elderly people, refugees, families and more. Before you get in contact with a registered support service provider, discover what they can do.

Residential Requirements

Everyone is entitled to some kind of residential service, regardless of their community or neighbourhood. A support services expert will be aware of residential requirements and will sit down and talk with families to alert them of their legal rights, whether it is related to gaining free education or receiving renter’s assistance. Small business assistance is something else that someone working in this industry can help with.

Housing Plans and Home Buying Help

For some people, the process of buying a home is as simple as buying a pair of shoes – if they like the look and price, they will go ahead and make the purchase. However, for those individuals who aren’t as financially stable, home buying help may be required. Support services specialists will be able to draw up housing plans, based on a person’s income and personal requirements. Supportive housing is crucial for people with disabilities, mental health problems and for the elderly. Housing plans and housing developer assistance can also come in handy for builders who want to build single or multi-family housing in a particular area.

Post-School Options

How are your job prospects looking? If you were a school drop-out or if are finding it difficult to gain employment in your desired career following school, someone who offers support services will know what step to take next. Some post-school options the support worker will offer include additional training in the individual’s chosen subject, apprenticeships and work experience opportunities. In addition to this, the support worker may be able to attend interviews with the person and even help them prepare a resume that demonstrates their basic skills, previous experience and references.

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